My morning walk with my buddy, seeing the beautiful landscape and getting inspired every day.
My Story
Inspiration for my paintings comes from many places like my morning walks but often it's sparked by play. My works have a distinctive look with many strong colors and textures. Many of my compositions are anchored in geometric shapes and lines, creating both balance and tension. In addition to painting with acrylics, I enjoy creating prints with modern and old printmaking techniques. Mono-prints, collagraphs and linocuts have become an intricate part of my artwork. I also have a deep love for encaustic painting - a method of painting that involves wax-based pigments.
Taking risks, experimenting, and playing is a part of the painting process that I enjoy very much. This is where I make new discoveries. Unexpected surprises happen when I am courageous and let the painting tell me what it wants.
My painting journey has taught me that life cannot be controlled but experienced.